Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Adult male1 of 10
Adult male
Adult maleJack & Holly BartholmaiMay 2014Wisconsin, United States
Female/immatureMarky MutchlerMarch 2020Missouri, United States
Adult male (White-eyed)
Adult male (White-eyed)Daniel EmlinFebruary 2019Florida, United States

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
JuvenileMark R JohnsonJuly 2020Maryland, United States
Female/immatureMark R JohnsonNovember 2016Maryland, United States
Adult male
Adult maleAndres Vasquez NoboaMay 2019Ohio, United States
Adult male
Adult maleDavey WaltersApril 2016Virginia, United States
JuvenileBert FisherAugust 2019North Carolina, United States
Adult male
Adult maleMichael CerizoMay 2017Nebraska, United States
Adult male
Adult maleBrad VatrtJune 2017New York, United States

Eastern Towhee

Pipilo erythrophthalmus

There's More In The App!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID


May 2020New York, United States
June 2018West Virginia, United States
May 2020New York, United States
July 2016Florida, United States

Identify Birds By Sound!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
August 2019Florida, United States
Complex song
May 1972New York, United States
May 2020New York, United States
May 2020New York, United States
Tink calls
April 2020New York, United States
Flight calls
September 2019New York, United States