Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Adult male1 of 9
Adult male
Adult maleMarco ValentiniSeptember 2017Mato Grosso, Brazil
Adult female
Adult femaleAlejandro EspecheJanuary 2020Salta, Argentina
Adult male
Adult maleBeto Guido MéndezNovember 2020Alajuela, Costa Rica

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Adult (Domestic type)
Adult (Domestic type)Steve PercivalApril 2013Florida, United States
Adult (Domestic type)
Adult (Domestic type)Jeanne KaufmanFlorida, United States
Female/immatureJorge Eduardo RuanoApril 2017Orange Walk, Belize
Male and female
Male and femaleDavid LangAugust 2017Mato Grosso, Brazil
Male and female
Male and femaleGuillermo Saborío VegaDecember 2019Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Adult and juvenile
Adult and juvenileHank DavisAugust 2016Mato Grosso, Brazil

Muscovy Duck

Cairina moschata

There's More In The App!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID


March 2014Formosa, Argentina
March 2014Formosa, Argentina
May 2019Santa Ana, El Salvador
April 2018Florida, United States

Identify Birds By Sound!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
December 1962Miranda, Venezuela
April 2018Florida, United States
Wing sound
March 2014Formosa, Argentina