Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Adult male (Saffron)1 of 6
Adult male (Saffron)
Adult male (Saffron)Robert LewisSeptember 2010El Oro, Ecuador
Adult male (Pelzeln's)
Adult male (Pelzeln's)Fermin ZorrillaFebruary 2017Córdoba, Argentina
Female/immature (Saffron)
Female/immature (Saffron)Diana Carolina MacanaOctober 2015Boyacá, Colombia

Identify Birds In Photos!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Immature (Saffron)
Immature (Saffron)Roger AhlmanApril 2016Pichincha, Ecuador
Adult male (Saffron)
Adult male (Saffron)Roger AhlmanNovember 2016Pichincha, Ecuador
Chris WoodSeptember 2013La Pampa, Argentina

Saffron Finch

Sicalis flaveola

There's More In The App!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID


Dawn song (Saffron)
December 2012Guárico, Venezuela
Song (Saffron)
August 1974Barinas, Venezuela
Calls (Saffron)
August 1974Apure, Venezuela
Calls (Saffron)
December 2012Guárico, Venezuela

Identify Birds By Sound!

Merlin Bird ID is a free app that helps you find more birds.

Merlin Bird ID
Dawn song (Pelzeln's)
January 2007Cochabamba, Bolivia
Song (Pelzeln's)
November 2006Corrientes, Argentina
Calls (Pelzeln's)
November 2006Corrientes, Argentina